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Тюпина Екатерина Александровна

Занимаемые должности

Доцент (Кафедра химии высоких энергий и радиоэкологии)


+7 (495) 944-19-73


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Инженер химик-технолог

Преподаваемые учебные предметы, курсы, дисциплины (модули)


Технология теплоносителей ЯЭУ и охрана окружающей среды

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Кандидат технических наук

Учёное звание Доцент
Наименование направления подготовки и (или) специальности

Химическая технология материалов современной энергетики

Общий стаж работы 26 лет (с 01.03.1998)
Стаж работы по специальности 18 лет (с 12.10.2005)
Публикации внесенные в ИАС "Истина" ссылка


Cesium sorption and desorption on glauconite, bentonite, zeolite, and diatomite / P. Belousov, A. Semenkova, T. Egorova et al. // Minerals. — 2019. — Vol. 9, no. 10. — P. 625. [ DOI ]

Effect of characteristics of magnesium oxide powderon composition and strength of magnesiumpotassium phosphate compound for solidifyingradioactive waste / S. E. Vinokurov, S. A. Kulikova, V. V. Krupskay, E. A. Tyupina and // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. — 2019. — Vol. 92, no. 4. — P. 490–497. Phase composition, particle morphology, and granulometric composition of commercial samples of MgO powders of various chemical purities (classifi cation from technical grade to chemical grade) prepared by heat treatment at 1300oC for 3 h were studied for the subsequent synthesis of a compound based on magnesium potassium phosphate matrix MgKPO4∙6H2O, promising for solidifying liquid radioactive waste. It has been established that to obtain a homogeneous mineral-like compound with compressive strength of about 15 MPa, which meets the regulatory requirements for solidifi ed forms of liquid radioactive waste, it is necessary to use magnesium oxide powder with a particle size of not more than 50 μm, which have a high degree of crystallinity (the average crystallite size is not less than 40 nm). It was noted that the impurities of metal compounds, primarily silicon, calcium, and iron in the MgO powder, do not affect the synthesis conditions and the mechanical strength of the compound. [ DOI ]

The influence of acid modification on the structure of montmorillonites andsurface properties of bentonites / V. Krupskaya, L. Novikova, E. Tyupina et al. // Applied Clay Science. — 2019. — Vol. 172. — P. 1–10. Bentonites are often used as components of engineered barrier systems (EBS) for the radioactive waste disposal and isolation of hazardous nuclear facilities. In this paper, we consider possible transformations of the composition, structure and properties of bentonites when they are used as EBS components during the decommissioning of open pools with liquid radioactive waste (LRW). Operating conditions were modeled by the treatment with nitric acid at different durations (from 1 to 6 h), concentrations (from 1 to 8 M) and temperatures (20and 90oC). Nitric acid was chosen because it is used in the preparation procedure of LRW for isolation. To assess the intensity of transformations, bentonites with a high content of Al- and Fe-rich montmorillonites were selected. The work revealed effects of interlayer modification, leaching of octahedral cations, changes of the grain size distribution, specific surface area and weakening of surface basicity. It was also shown that temperature has a stronger effect on the structural transformation of montmorillonite than acid concentration and treatment duration. Formation of Al hydroxy-interlayered (HI) layers was observed due to the treatment with the nitric acid of lower concentration (1 M). The effect of a higher concentration at the same treatment duration and temperature leads to a more intensive leaching of Al from the octahedral sheets and protonation of the interlayer, which prevents the formation of Al hydroxy-interlayered (HI) layers. CO2 desorption after the nitric acid treatment decreases significantly, maintaining a relatively high value only when the conditions allow the interlayer to be protonated. Modification of structural and adsorption characteristics due to the acid treatment can be used to simulate modification of the engineered barriers' properties for a long-term operation in the disposal of radioactive and toxic wastes. [ DOI ]

Transformation of structure and adsorption properties of montmorillonite under thermochemical treatment / V. V. Krupskaya, S. V. Zakusin, E. A. Tyupina et al. // Geochemistry International. — 2019. — Vol. 57, no. 3. — P. 314–330. Complex studies revealed transformations of composition, structure, and properties of bentonite clays of the Taganskoe (Kazakhstan) and Dahskovskoe (Moscow oblast) deposits under thermochemical treatment. Leaching of cations from interlayer and octahedral sites, protonation of interlayer and OH-groups lead to the modification of interlayer and 2 : 1 layer composition. This, in turn, causes significant changes of properties: a decrease of cation exchange capacity owing to the decrease of layer charge and increase of specific surface through the decomposition and partial amorphization of structure. Bentonites of the Dashkovskoe deposit showed the higher resistance to the thermochemical impact than bentonites of the Taganskoe deposit owing to the isolating action of organic matter. Obtained results demonstrated that bentonite clays preserve most of adsorption properties even under such strong thermochemical influence (13М HNO3, 90oС, 5 h). [ DOI ]

Тюпина Е. А., Крупская В. В. Бентониты российских месторождений как перспективный материал для изоляции радиоактивных отходов // Cборник статей международной научно-практической конференции "ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ, ПРОМЫШЛЕННАЯ И ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ – 2019". — СевГУ Севастополь, 2019. — С. 1647–1649. The prospects of using bentonite clays from Russian deposits as a barrier material for disposal of radioactive waste are shown, given the large supply of raw materials of required quality, the technical ability to produce compacted bentonite of various forms and high both insulating and sorption properties with respect to radionuclides.
