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+7 (495) 495-21-26


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Удостоверение о проверке знаний требования охраны труда № ОТ-03/11-16 от 10.11.2017 г. по программе: «Обучение по охране труда руководителей и специалистов» Рег. номер 00021490. Протокол ОТ-03/11-17 от 10 ноября 2017 г. Объем: 40 часов.

Общий стаж работы 10 лет (с 01.10.2014)
Стаж работы по специальности 10 лет (с 01.10.2014)
Публикации внесенные в ИАС "Истина" ссылка


Computer simulation of dry reforming of methane in membrane reactor with molybdenum carbide catalyst / A. Vardanyan, I. Mitrichev, A. Zhensa et al. // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. — Vol. 19 of International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. — Albena, Bulgaria 51 Alexander Malinov blvd, Sofia, 1712, Bulgaria, 2019. — P. 131–138. Using the open-source library for calculations in the field of kinetics and thermodynamics Cantera, a software module has been developed. Computer simulation of dry reforming of methane in a membrane reactor-contactor has been performed. The one-dimensional mathematical model of gas flow in a porous catalytic coating is used. The influence of a number of parameters, such as characteristics of pores of catalytic membrane coating, and the temperature and the flow rate of the gas mixture on the dry reforming of methane process parameters in the membrane reactor with molybdenum-carbide catalyst is studied. It is necessary to increase the mixture flow rate, the thickness of the catalytic coating and to reduce the diameter of the pores of the catalytic coating to increase the H2:CO ratio and to increase the conversion. The optimization of aforementioned parameters has been performed with the constraints on conversion values for reactants (not less than 50%) to increase the H2:CO ratio. The optimal parameters are: temperature 1173 Ê, gas flow rate 300 ml/min, catalytic coating thickness 10 ?m and mean pore diameter 1.5 nm. CH4 conversion is 95.7 %, CO2 conversion is 100 %, H2:CO ratio being 0.762. [ DOI ]

Comparing performance of structured and unstructured catalysts in dry reforming of methane / I. Mitrichev, A. Shaneva, A. Zhensa, E. Koltsova // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management. — Vol. 18 of Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2018. — P. 107–114. [ DOI ]

Mathematical modeling of spark plasma sintering of silicon carbide composite modified with carbon nanotubes / A. S. Shaneva, E. M. Koltsova, E. V. Zharikov et al. // Chemical Engineering Transactions. — 2018. — Vol. 70. — P. 1807–1812. [ DOI ]

Mathematical modelling of the process of spark plasma sintering of a ceramic material composite al2 o3 - zro2 - y2 o3 , modified by carbon nanotubes / N. V. Mamonova, E. Koltsova, E. A. Skichko et al. // Chemical Engineering Transactions. — 2018. — Vol. 70. — P. 1759–1764. [ DOI ]

Research and mathematical modeling of the process of obtaining a nanocomposite of sic-cnt / A. Shaneva, A. Zhensa, E. Zharikov et al. // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management. — Vol. 18 of Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2018. — P. 425–432. [ DOI ]
