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+7 (495) 494-21-16


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Дополнительная профессиональная программа "Введение в тензорный анализ", Российский химико-технологический университет имени Д.И. Менделеева, 60 акад. часов, 17.09.2015 -19.11.2015, удостоверение о повышении квалификации 772402002035, документ о квалификации № 6625 от 19 ноября 2015 года

«Новые педагогические технологии в электронном, дистанционном и смешанном обучении», ФГБОУ ВО "Российский химико-технологический университет имени Д.И. Менделеева", 24 ч., повышение квалификации в период с 28.09.2018 по 30.10.2018 г. Удостоверение о повышении квалификации №771801775803 от 07.11.2018 г.

Общий стаж работы 13 лет (с 01.06.2010)
Стаж работы по специальности 13 лет (с 29.09.2010)
Публикации внесенные в ИАС "Истина" ссылка

Ученый секретарь диссертационного совета РХТУ.05.07.
Дополнительные сведения можно найти на странице кафедры НМНТ:"


Наноструктурированные оксиды железа / А. Г. Мурадова, А. И. Шарапаев, М. П. Зайцева и др. // УСПЕХИ В ХИМИИ И ХИМИЧЕСКОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Издательство: Российский химико-технологический университет им. Д.И. Менделеева. — 2019. — Т. 33, № 1. — С. 77–78.

Effect of magnetite nanoparticles’ modification on optical properties of solar absorber coatings / V. N. Strapolova, E. V. Yurtov, A. G. Muradova, A. I. Sharapaev // Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. — 2018. — Vol. 55, no. 1. — P. 49–53. The effect of magnetite nanoparticles on the optical characteristics of a thermal control coating (where αsαs is solar absorptance, and ϵ is emittance) of the “true absorber” class as well as the effect of magnetite nanoparticles on optical coefficient changes of the coating under the influence of proton radiation were studied. It was revealed that the iron oxide nanoparticles added into an enamel increased the solar absorptance from 0.95 to 0.97, and the emittance was increased from 0.92 to 0.94. Experiments on irradiation of the coating samples by 20 keV protons showed stability of the optical properties of the coating. Injection of magnetite nanoparticles led not only to improvement of the optical properties of the coating but also to a decrease of the degradation of the coating surface. [ DOI ]

Fe3o4/sio2 core shell nanostructures: Preparation and characterization / M. P. Zaytseva, A. G. Muradova, A. I. Sharapaev et al. // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. — 2018. — Vol. 63, no. 12. — P. 1684–1688. Silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles with controlled silica shell thickness were prepared by a modified Stöber method. Modification of the Stöber method consisted of changing the synthesis conditions to control the thickness of the SiO2 shell. The core-shell nanoparticles were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and vibrational sample magnetometry. It was found that the shell formed after 8 hours of stirring. An increase of the tetraethoxysilane- magnetite mass ratio from 12.5 to 25.1 led to an increase of the shell thickness, whereas further increase in the tetraethoxysilane-magnetite mass ratio (from 25.1 to 37.6) led to decrease shell thickness. The core size has only insignificant influence on the shell thickness. Magnetic properties of composite particles correlate well with properties of pure magnetite nanoparticles considering dilution of magnetic particles by silica. Obtained results can be used for fabrication of silica shell with controlled thickness on the surface of different sized magnetite nanoparticles. [ DOI ]

Structure and magnetic properties of nanopowders of iron oxides and hybrid nanopowders of the core–shell type based on them / I. S. Grebennikov, A. G. Savchenko, M. P. Zaytseva et al. // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. — 2018. — Vol. 82, no. 9. — P. 1222–1231. The results are presented from complex phase structural and magnetic studies for uncoated and hybrid nanopowders based on iron oxide of the core–shell type (Fe3−xO4@SiO2). Their phase and structural characteristics are determined along with their and morphologies. It is shown that the nanopowders are nonstoichiometric magnetite Fe3+[Fe2+1−3xFe3+1+2xVx]О4 in which there are volume and surface regions that differ by the electronic state of their iron ions. The results from magnetic measurements reveal a relationship between the dispersity and magnetic properties of nanopowders. The change in the thickness of a defect surface layer and its specific magnetization is analyzed quantitatively as a function of the mean size of magnetite nanoparticles and the presence of a coating. The resulting dependences are constructed and analyzed. [ DOI ]

Мурадова А. Г., Шарапаев А. И., Петунин А. Б. Металлические мембраны для очистки теплоносителя первого контура водо-водяного энергетического реактора // Экстракция и мембранные методы в разделении веществ: тезисы докладов международной конференции, посвящённой 90-летию со дня рождения академика Б. А. Пурина. — РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева Москва, 2018. — С. 145–146.
