One-step micro-modification of optical properties in silver-doped zinc phosphate glasses by femtosecond direct laser writing / G. Y. Shakhgildyan, A. S. Lipatiev, M. P. Vetchinnikov et al. // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. — 2018. — Vol. 481. — P. 634–642. We demonstrate the possibility of joint formation of fluorescent silver clusters and plasmonic silver nanoparticles spatially confined in micron-sized domains by the one-step femtosecond direct laser writing (DLW) without subsequent heat treatment in zinc phosphate glasses with different concentration of silver. We show that DLW in glass induces local micro-modification of optical properties resulted in the appearance of luminescence, absorption and form birefringence in domains. Variation of laser pulse energy allows controlling the micro-modification process and tuning of optical properties. We propose a possible mechanism for observed phenomena that includes local chemical redistribution of glass network modifiers during DLW process. We believe that ability to form complex 3D shapes of luminescent, plasmonic and birefringent structures embedded in dielectric transparent glass materials opens new routes for the design of nanophotonic devices and multidimensional optical memory. [ DOI ]
Люминесценция стекол системы li2o-na2o-ga2o3-sio2-geo2 с заменой части ga2o3 на al2o3 / Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева, И. И. Диль, В. Н. Сигаев // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — 2018. — Т. 32, № 2 (198). — С. 48–50.
Предельные концентрации оксидов, обеспечивающие получение стекла в щелочногаллиевосиликогерманатной системе / Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева, А. И. Ибатуллина и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — 2018. — Т. 32, № 2 (198). — С. 62–64.
Предельные концентрации оксидов, обеспечивающие получение стекла в щелочногаллиевосиликогерманатной системе / М. З. Зиятдинова, К. А. Уткин, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — 2018. — Т. 32, № 2 (198). — С. 74–76.
Augmented excitation cross section of gadolinium ions in nanostructured glasses / L. Roberto, P. Alberto, V. N. Sigaev et al. // Optics Letters. — 2017. — Vol. 42, no. 13. — P. 2419–2422.
Donor-acceptor control in grown-in-glass gallium oxide nanocrystals by crystallization-driven heterovalent doping / A. Paleari, N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva et al. // Chemphyschem: a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry. — 2017. — Vol. 18, no. 6. — P. 662–669. [ DOI ]
Влияние спекающей добавки на синтез, структуру и свойства оксинитрида алюминия / Д. А. Забелин, А. С. Чайникова, Н. Е. Щеголева и др. // Современные высокотемпературные волокнистые теплозвукоизоляционные материалы: материалы Всероссийской научно-технической конференции (7 декабря 2017). — ВИАМ Москва, 2017. — С. 83–92.
ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ДЛИТЕЛЬНОСТИ ПРЕДКРИСТАЛЛИЗАЦИОННОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ГАЛЛИЕВОСИЛИКОГЕРМАНАТНЫХ СТЕКОЛ, АКТИВИРОВАННЫХ ni2 / Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева, В. Н. Сигаев, Е. О. Козлова // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — 2017. — Т. 31, № 1 (182). — С. 65–66. Выявление оптимальных режимов термообработки люминесцирующих стеклокристаллических материалов - необходимый этап перед их применением. В настоящей работе изучено влияние предкристаллизационной обработки на эффективность нуклеации в малощелочных галлиевосиликогерманатных стеклах, активированных Ni2+. Установлено, что при 595ºС зародышеобразование практически завершается после 4-5 ч обработки.
Синтез и исследование керамики на основе оксинитрида алюминия / Д. А. Забелин, А. С. Чайникова, Н. Е. Щеголева и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — 2017. — Т. 31, № 3. — С. 31–33.
Formation of luminescent and birefringent microregions in phosphate glass containing silver / A. S. Lipat’ev, G. Y. Shakhgil’dyan, T. O. Lipat’eva et al. // Glass and Ceramics. — 2016. — Vol. 73, no. 7-8. — P. 277–282. [ DOI ]
Spectroscopic properties of yttrium-aluminum-borate glasses activated by terbium and cerium ions / M. Z. Ziyatdinova, N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva et al. // Glass and Ceramics. — 2016. — Vol. 72, no. 9-10. — P. 366–369. The Judd-Ofelt parameters are calculated for Tb3+ ions in yttrium-aluminum-borate glasses coactivated by Tb3+ and Ce3+ (X1) and activated solely by Tb3+ (X2). The following parameters are obtained: Omega(2) = 5.45 x 10 (-20), Omega(4) = 2.82 x 10 (-20), Omega(6) = 3.76 x 10 (-20) cm(2) for X1 and Omega(2) = 4.99 x 10 (-20), Omega(4) = 2.18 x 10 (-20), Omega(6) = 3.51 x 10 (-20) cm(2) for X2. It is shown that these glasses hold promise as a basis for the development of converters of UV-radiation into the green-yellow region of the spectrum. [ DOI ]
КРИСТАЛЛИЗАЦИЯ ГАЛЛИЕВОСИЛИКОГЕРМАНАТНЫХ СТЕКОЛ С РАЗНЫМ ОТНОШЕНИЕМ me2o/ga2o3 / Е. О. Козлова, Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — Т. 30 из 7 (176). — РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева Москва, 2016. — С. 47–49.
ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ТЕМПЕРАТУРЫ НУКЛЕАЦИИ СТЕКЛА КОРДИЕРИТОВОГО СОСТАВА С ДОБАВКОЙ tio2 / Е. С. Субботина, М. В. Воропаева, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — Т. 30 из 7 (176). — РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева Москва, 2016. — С. 113–114.
ФАЗОВЫЕ ПРЕВРАЩЕНИЯ В СТЕКЛЕ КОРДИЕРИТОВОГО СОСТАВА С ДОБАВКОЙ tio2 / Н. А. Рукавичкин, М. В. Воропаева, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — Т. 30 из 7 (176). — РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева Москва, 2016. — С. 98–100.
Diffusion-driven and size-dependent phase changes of gallium oxide nanocrystals in a glassy host / N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva, V. N. Sigaev et al. // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. — 2015. — Vol. 17, no. 7. — P. 5141–5150.
Non-aqueous sol-gel synthesis of hybrid rare-earth-doped gamma-ga2o3 nanoparticles with multiple organic-inorganic-ionic light-emission features / R. Lorenzi, A. Paleari, N. V. Golubev et al. // Journal of Materials Chemistry С. — 2015. — Vol. 3, no. 1. — P. 41–45. We present a novel strategy for the synthesis of pure and Eu-doped gamma-Ga2O3 nanoparticles with an in situ organic capping resulting from a non-aqueous solution-based benzyl alcohol synthesis route. Photoluminescence spectroscopy highlights the concomitant benzoate-related and gamma-Ga2O3 exciton-like Eu3+ excitations in the UV, and a blue emission superimposed onto gamma-Ga2O3 donor-acceptor recombination, ascribable to organic moieties different from benzoate. [ DOI ]
Nucleation-controlled vacancy formation in light-emitting wide-band-gap oxide nanocrystals in glass / N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva, V. N. Sigaev et al. // Journal of Materials Chemistry С. — 2015. — Vol. 3, no. 17. — P. 4380–4387. Light emission of nanocrystals (NCs) can depend not only on NC size but also - and even more importantly in wide-band-gap NCs - on the occurrence of optically active sites, such as donor-acceptor pairs (DAPs). Here, we demonstrate that controlling the thermo-chemical conditions of NC nucleation when NCs are forming in a solid host - an approach often used for driving NC size dispersion - can be an innovative strategy for tailoring DAP population. Our data show that light emission from DAP recombination and decay in defect sites can be controlled in gamma-Ga2O3 NCs in alkali-germanosilicate glass - a prototypal oxide-in-oxide nanostructured system - by oxygen and gallium vacancy formation during nucleation. Time-resolved UV-excited photoluminescence, combined with differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy, reveal how nucleation pretreatment determines, besides NC size and concentration, also the DAP number via promotion of acceptor formation or their passivation during interaction with the host. The results envisage the possibility of nucleation-based design of light-emitting NCs in a wide range of oxide systems. [ DOI ]
АКТИВИРОВАННЫЕ ИОНАМИ ГАДОЛИНИЯ НАНОСТРУКТУРИРОВАННЫЕ СТЕКЛА СИСТЕМЫ li2o-na2o-ga2o3-sio2-geo2 / Е. С. Игнатьева, Н. В. Голубев, К. В. Деревяго и др. // Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — Т. 29 из 7 (166). — РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева, Москва, 2015. — С. 29–31.
Изучение начальной стадии кристаллизации стекла кордиеритового состава / М. В. Воропаева, Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Сборник материалов XI международного конгресса молодых ученых по химии и химической технологии МКХТ-2015. — Т. 29 из 2. — РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева Москва, 2015. — С. 15–17.
Параметры Джадда-Офельта активированных tb3+ стекол системы y2o3-al2o3-b2o3 / М. З. Зиятдинова, Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Успехи в химии и хим. технологии: Сб. науч. тр. РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева. — 2015. — Т. 29, № 7. — С. 26–28.
СПЕКТРОСКОПИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА ИТТРИЙАЛЮМОБОРАТНЫХ СТЕКОЛ, АКТИВИРОВАННЫХ ИОНАМИ ТЕРБИЯ И ЦЕРИЯ / М. З. Зиятдинова, Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Стекло и керамика. — 2015. — № 10. — С. 17–20.
Crystallization of nanoheterogeneities in ga-containing germanosilicate glass: Dielectric and refractive response changes / A. Paleari, V. N. Sigaev, N. V. Golubev et al. // Acta Materialia. — 2014. — Vol. 70. — P. 19–29.
Light-emitting ga-oxide nanocrystals in glass: a new paradigm for low-cost and robust uv-to-visible solar-blind converters and uv emitters / V. N. Sigaev, N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva et al. // Nanoscale. — 2014. — Vol. 6, no. 3. — P. 1763–1774. [ DOI ]
Space-selective enhancement of blue photoluminescence in gallium germanosilicate glass through laser-induced nanostructuring / S. V. Lotarev, A. S. Lipatiev, N. V. Golubev et al. // Materials Letters. — 2014. — Vol. 122. — P. 174–177. Crystalline gallium oxide is known to possess UV-excited blue photoluminescence together with one of the widest band gaps among transparent conducting oxides, with a transmittance range extending from the visible to the near-UV range, thus making it a promising material for efficient solar-blind UV-to-visible converters. In the present paper, we report for the first time laser-induced space-selective precipitation of gamma-Ga2O3 nanosized crystals in alkali gallium germanosilicate glass using a sum frequency beam (271 nm) of a copper vapor laser. At the glass surface, the laser writing process generates transparent nanostructured channels which emit broadband blue photoluminescence (centered at about 460 nm) under UV exposure, with excitation efficiency peaked at about 260 nm. Only much weaker blue photoluminescence can instead be observed in the starting non-irradiated glass from the precursor stage of the nanocrystallization. Spectral properties of light emission in the nanocrystallized regions are similar to those of earlier studied bulk nanostructured material produced from the same composition by heat treatment. Laser-written photoluminescent patterns in the studied glass provide advanced opportunities for developing novel solar-blind UV detectors. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. [ DOI ]
Broadband infrared light-emitting patterns in optical glass by laser-induced nanostructuring of nio-doped alkali-gallium germanosilicates / S. V. Lotarev, A. S. Lipatiev, N. V. Golubev et al. // Optics Letters. — 2013. — Vol. 38, no. 4. — P. 492–494. In this Letter, we show functionalization of NiO-doped 7.5Li2O · 2.5Na2O · 20Ga2O2 · 35SiO2 · 35GeO2 glass by space-selective nanocrystallization via exposure to the focused beam of a pulsed copper vapor laser (510.6 and 578.2 nm) at temperature close to the glass transition point (570oC). Irradiated areas drastically change their color, caused by electronic transitions of Ni2+ dopant ions, without any alteration of the optical quality. Importantly, irradiated regions acquire broadband infrared luminescence (centered at about 1400 nm and possessing 400 nm effective bandwidth) typical of Ni2+ ions in crystalline environment, and by positive change of refractive index (more than 10-3). Spectroscopic and diffractometric data of the irradiated regions indeed resemble those previously observed in thermally nanocrystallized glass, with Ni2+ ions embedded in γ-Ga2O3 nanocrystals. The results demonstrate the possibility of laser writing nanocrystallized multifunction patterns in germanosilicate glasses for the fabrication of active integrated devices. © 2013 Optical Society of America. [ DOI ]
Broadband luminescence in nanostructured glasses / N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva, R. Lorenzi et al. // Glass and Ceramics. — 2013. — Vol. 70, no. 3-4. — P. 124–129. The mechanism of broadband near-IR luminescence in the process of nanostructuring of Ni2+-activated glasses in the system R2O-Ga2O3-SiO2-GeO2 (R = Li, Na) at the initial stage of phase separation is described. [ DOI ]
Local crystallization of glasses aided by copper vapor laser / S. V. Lotarev, A. S. Lipat'ev, N. V. Golubev et al. // Glass and Ceramics. — 2013. — Vol. 70, no. 3-4. — P. 130–134. It is shown that a copper vapor laser can be used effectively for local crystallization of glasses with precipitation of active phases on a surface or in the interior volume of glass depending on its composition. Aprocedure is proposed for using a laser beam to form nanostructural waveguides with broadband near-IR luminescence peaking at 1300 - 1450 nm in glass with composition (mol.%) 7.5 Li2O, 2.5 Na2O, 20 Ga2O3, 35 GeO3 and 35 SiO2 doped with 0.1 - 0.5% NiO. A mechanism of self-limited laser heating, impeding subsequent growth of the nanocrystals formed, is demonstrated. The results of the investigations are of interest for developing active elements of integrated optics. [ DOI ]
Native amorphous nanoheterogeneity in gallium germanosilicates as a tool for driving ga2o3 nanocrystal formation in glass for optical devices / V. N. Sigaev, N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat'eva et al. // Nanoscale. — 2013. — Vol. 5, no. 1. — P. 299–306. [ DOI ]
ЛОКАЛЬНАЯ КРИСТАЛЛИЗАЦИЯ СТЕКОЛ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ЛАЗЕРА НА ПАРАХ МЕДИ / С. В. Лотарев, А. С. Липатьев, Н. В. Голубев и др. // Стекло и керамика. — 2013. — № 4. — С. 21–25.
Наноструктуры с широкополосной ИК-люминесценцией, сформированные лазерным излучением / С. В. Лотарев, А. С. Липатьев, Н. В. Голубев и др. // научных трудов IV конгресса физиков Беларуси. — Ковчег Минск, 2013. — С. 243–244.
Игнатьева Е. C., Голубев Н. В., Сигаев В. Н. Фазовое разделение активированных ni2+ стекол системы r2o-ga2o3-sio2-geo2 (r2o // научных трудов Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — Т. 27. — 2013. — С. 44–48.
Формирование с помощью лазерного излучения наноструктур в галлиевогерманосиликатных стеклах, люминесцирующих в синей области спектра / А. С. Липатьев, С. В. Лотарев, Н. В. Голубев и др. // научных трудов Успехи в химии и химической технологии. — Т. 27. — 2013. — С. 61–68.
ШИРОКОПОЛОСНАЯ ЛЮМИНЕСЦЕНЦИЯ В НАНОСТРУКТУРИРОВАННЫХ СТЕКЛАХ / Н. В. Голубев, Е. С. Игнатьева, Р. Лоренци и др. // Стекло и керамика. — 2013. — № 4. — С. 14–20.
Microfluorescence analysis of nanostructuring inhomogeneity in optical fibers with embedded gallium oxide nanocrystals / V. M. Mashinsky, N. M. Karatun, V. A. Bogatyrev et al. // Microscopy and Microanalysis. — 2012. — Vol. 18, no. 2. — P. 259–265. A spectroscopic protocol is proposed to implement confocal microfluorescence imaging to the analysis of microinhomogeneity in the nanocrystallization of the core of fibers belonging to a new kind of broadband fiber amplifier based on glass with embedded nanocrystals. Nanocrystallization, crucial for achieving an adequate light emission efficiency of transition metal ions in these materials, has to be as homogeneous as possible in the fiber to assure optical amplification. This requirement calls for a sensitive method for monitoring nanostructuring in oxide glasses. Here we show that mapping microfluorescence excited at 633 nm by a He-Ne laser may give a useful tool in this regard, thanks to quasi-resonant excitation of coordination defects typical of germanosilicate materials, such as nonbridging oxygens and charged Ge-O-Ge sites, whose fluorescence are shown to undergo spectral modifications when nanocrystals form into the glass. The method has been positively checked on prototypes of optical fibers-preventively characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy-fabricated from preforms of Ni-doped Li2O-Na2O-Sb2O3-Ga2O3-GeO2-SiO2 glass in silica cladding and subjected to heat treatment to activate gallium oxide nanocrystal growth. The method indeed enables not only the mapping of the crystallization degree but also the identification of drawing-induced defects in the fiber cladding. [ DOI ]
Nickel-assisted growth and selective doping of spinel-like gallium oxide nanocrystals in germano-silicate glasses for infrared broadband light emission / V. N. Sigaev, N. V. Golubev, E. S. Ignat’eva et al. // Nanotechnology. — 2012. — Vol. 23, no. 1. — P. 015708. [ DOI ]
Nickel-doped gallium-containing glasses luminescent in the near-infrared spectral range / N. V. Golubev, V. I. Savinkov, E. S. Ignat'eva et al. // Glass Physics and Chemistry. — 2010. — Vol. 36, no. 6. — P. 657–662. The heat treatment of glasses synthesized in the M(2)O-Ga(2)O(3)-GeO(2)-SiO(2) (M = Li, Na, K) system results in bulk precipitation of Ga(2)O(3) and LiGa(5)O(8) nanocrystals and, consequently, in luminescence within the bands with maxima at wavelengths of 1500 and 1300 nm, respectively, with the half-width exceeding 300 nm. In their spectral luminescence properties, the gallium germanium silicate glasses synthesized are similar to the gallium silicate glasses. However, the melting temperature of the former glasses is approximately 100 degrees C lower, which considerably facilitates the preparation of glasses of high optical quality. [ DOI ]
Активированные никелем галлийсодержащие стекла, люминесцирующие в ближнем ИК диапазоне спектра / Н. В. Голубев, В. И. Савинков, Е. С. Игнатьева и др. // Физика и химия стекла. — 2010. — Т. 36, № 6. — С. 835–842.