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Публикации внесенные в ИАС "Истина" ссылка

Разработка малоотходных и безотходных биотехнологических процессов получения биомассы микроорганизмов, продуктов микробиологической переработки, первичных метаболитов на различных органических субстратах, в том числе отходах сельского хозяйства, пищевой, молокоперерабатывающей, пивоваренной, спиртовой и других отраслей промышленности


A quantitative model of bacillus cereus atcc 9634 growth inhibition by bifidobacteria for synbiotic effect evaluation / B. A. Karetkin, E. V. Guseva, S. A. Evdokimova et al. // World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. — 2019. — Vol. 35. — P. 89. The present study is dedicated to the development of novel criteria for assessing the synbiotic effect of prebiotic and probiotic composition against a specific pathogen. These criteria were obtained from the quantitative model of Bifidobacterium adolescentis ATCC 15703 and Bacillus cereus ATCC 9634 (as a model food contaminant) competition in co-culture fermentation. The model is based on the hypothesis that probiotics can reduce the specific growth rate of non-probiotics by producing short-chain fatty acids. To define the relationship between the specific growth rate of non-probiotics and short-chain fatty acid yields, the inhibition constants were determined separately for each inhibitor produced by bifidobacteria (lactic, acetic and propionic acids) in a pure culture of bacilli. Two different equations based on the minimum inhibitor concentration (MIC) and inhibition constant (Ki) were used to connect the specific growth rate and concentrations of inhibitors. The yields of the inhibitors mentioned above were obtained from co-culture experiments. The experimental values and the values predicted by the model of Bacillus count did not differ significantly (R2 not less than 0.83) in the competition experiments. Therefore, the general criterion of the synbiotic effect was derived from the model and presents the coefficient of non-probiotic specific growth rate reduction as a result of probiotic growth and inhibitor formation in the final co-culture fermentation. This criterion has been examined for different commercial prebiotics coupled with the Bifidobacterium adolescentis strain. The synergistic combination of inulin GR with bifidobacteria had the best effect against Bacillus cereus ATCC 9634. [ DOI ]

New approach for synbiotic composition development based on the model of opportunistic bacteria growth inhibition in mixed culture / B. A. Karetkin, V. I. Panfilov, S. A. Evdokimova et al. // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. — Vol. 19 of Advances in Biotechnology. — Alexander Malinov Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019. — P. 805–812. Synbiotics are defined as a composition of probiotics and prebiotics with synergistic reinforcing effects. In practice, only growth stimulation is often took into account when justifying the effectiveness of a synbiotic composition. However, the effect of prebiotics to the interaction of probiotic and pathogenic bacteria during co-culture fermentation was examined in a range of researches. The influence of commercial prebiotics on the ability of probiotics (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) to suppress the growth of pathogens and microbial food contaminants has been assessed at present study. The comparison was based on the quantitative criterion obtained earlier from a model that described their interaction in mixed culture fermentation. The ability of probiotics to produce the growth inhibitors, as well as the effect of these inhibitors on opportunistic bacteria (expressed through microbial growth inhibition constants) were considered. The proposed criterion shows how many times the specific growth rate of opportunistic bacteria will decrease. The inhibition constants of the test strains of Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus were determined for this aim. The mixed culture fermentations of one of the mentioned test strains with one of the strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobaterium adolescentis or Lactobacillus plantarum in presence of commercial prebiotics (fructo-oligosaccharides, inulin, raffinose, isomaltulose, lactulose) or non prebiotic substrate (glucose) were carried out whereat. The criteria calculated from the data obtained during fermentation allowed to substantiate the optimal combination for each pair of probiotics and prebiotics, as well as to compare the efficiency of these compositions against the selected opportunistic bacteria. [ DOI ]

The study of ph adjustment effect to bacillus cereus atcc 11778 growth inhibited by bifidobacterium metabolites for prebiotic activity assessment / B. A. Karetkin, E. V. Guseva, A. S. Mishchenko et al. // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018. — Vol. 18 of Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2018. — P. 653–660.

Algorithm of multi-criterion green process assessment for renewable raw materials bioconversion / A. Makarova, D. Baurin, M. Gordienko et al. // Journal of Cleaner Production. — 2017. — Vol. 162. — P. 380–390. [ DOI ]

Biosynthesis of lactic acid in a membrane bioreactor for cleaner technology of polylactide production / A. Kuznetsov, A. Beloded, A. Derunets et al. // Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. — 2017. — Vol. 19, no. 3. — P. 869–882.
