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Дубинина Елена Олеговна

Занимаемые должности

Профессор (Кафедра ЮНЕСКО «Зелёная химия для устойчивого развития»)


+7 (499) 230-84-47


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Свидетельство об окончании курса по программе «Информационные технологии в дистанционном, сетевом и смешанном обучении» (16 ч) № 70ЕН-4XDH-YK47 от 25.12.2018

Удостоверение № 12/16 от 14.02.2019 о прохождении обучения педагогических работников по оказанию первой помощи в объеме 16 часов. ГКУ ДПО "УМЦ по ГО и ЧС г. Москвы"

Общий стаж работы 37 лет (с 01.08.1986)
Стаж работы по специальности 17 лет (с 01.10.2006)
Публикации внесенные в ИАС "Истина" ссылка

Область научных интересов: геохимия изотопов легких элементов


Vorontsovka carlin-style gold deposit in the north urals: Mineralogy, fluid inclusion and isotope data for genetic model / I. V. Vikentyev, E. E. Tyukova, O. V. Vikent'eva et al. // Chemical Geology. — 2019. — Vol. 408. — P. 144–166. 30 t Au in the regolith, and 120 t Ag, averaging 8 g/t Ag. Early skarn-magnetite mineralisation related to a dioritic intrusion of the shoshonitic series was formed in the Late Emsian. Water and volatiles (mainly CO2) released from host metapelites and limestones were mixed with the metalliferous magmatic fluid during catagenesis to contact metamorphism. The modified fluid extracted ore components from host rocks and syn-volcanic stratiform mineralisation and became enriched in Fe, Mn, Ba, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag and S to deposit these components as sulphide dissemination in the footwall of siliciclastic unit and underlying limestone both brecciated along the trust. At the final Early Eifelian stage, there was an additional inflow of deep mantle/magmatic fluid, enriched in Au, Hg, As, Sb and Tl. The mixing of this fluid with metamorphic water resulted in Carlin-style gold-realgar-stibnite (+Tl minerals) mineralisation mainly in carbonate breccia. The main gold endowment associates with gold‑arsenic ores located in brecciated silicified limestone (jasperoid) and argillised tuff-siltstone. Early ore assemblages were formed at 510–240 oC (including magnetite skarn), whereas overprinting Carlin-style gold-(Fe, As, Sb, Hg, Tl) sulphide mineralisation was deposited at decreasing temperatures mainly from 260 to 110 oC. Fluid inclusion data revealed aqueous‑carbonic, Ca-, Na-, Mg- and K-chloride compositions of orebearing fluid of 4.8–9.3 wt% eq. NaCl. Changing fluid pressure corresponded to near lithostatic (0.5–0.6 kb) to hydrostatic (0.15–0.2 kb) conditions. Based on the δ34S ranges of sulphides determined for siliciclastic rocks (−2.3 … +1.8‰) and skarns (−2 … +1.6‰) it is assumed that most of the sulphur derived from magmatic reservoir associated with the mantle. The lead isotopic compositions of sulphides show a relatively narrow range and continue the linear trend of the Early Silurian VMS deposits corresponding to the mixing line of mantle and crustal lead sources. Model PbePb ages for the Vorontsovka sulphides are grouped into two clusters: 425–416 and 398–388 Ma. The second period is close to the UePb isotope age of the final stage of the Auerbakh pluton as well as in a good agreement with the AreAr isotope age of 391.1 ± 4.9 Ma of hydromica from the late goldarsenopyrite assemblage. The specific features of the Vorontsovka deposit indicative of the Carlin-style mineralisation are as follows: the paleo-continental margin and trust-related position; causing high-K/shoshonitic igneous activity; the fine-disseminated sulphide mineralisation in the highly brecciated carbonate-clastic sequence; jasperoid and argillic alteration accompanying gold orebodies with assay boundaries; multiple fluid source; Au-As-Hg-Tl geochemical association; the abundance of As- and As-Fe-sulphides and AseSb sulphosalts; the occurrence of Hg-, Tl-sulphides and sulphosalts; the association of gold with arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite overgrowing previously forming pyrite; and the predominance of submicroscopic gold in the ores. A LA-ICP-MS analysis of pyrite confirms that elevated concentrations of Au regularly correlate with higher contents of As, Ag, Sb or Tl. [ DOI ]

Vorontsovka carlin-style gold deposit in the north urals: Mineralogy, fluid inclusion and isotope data for genetic model / I. V. Vikentyev, E. E. Tyukova, O. V. Vikent'eva et al. // Chemical Geology. — 2018. The Vorontsovka gold deposit in the Tagil zone, North Urals, hosts 101 t Au, averaging 7 g/t Au and including 30 t Au in the regolith, and 120 t Ag, averaging 8 g/t Ag. Early skarn-magnetite mineralisation related to a dioritic intrusion of the shoshonitic series was formed in the Late Emsian. Water and volatiles (mainly CO2) released from host metapelites and limestones were mixed with the metalliferous magmatic fluid during catagenesis to contact metamorphism. The modified fluid extracted ore components from host rocks and syn-volcanic stratiform mineralisation and became enriched in Fe, Mn, Ba, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag and S to deposit these components as sulphide dissemination in the footwall of siliciclastic unit and underlying limestone both brecciated along the trust. At the final Early Eifelian stage, there was an additional inflow of deep mantle/magmatic fluid, enriched in Au, Hg, As, Sb and Tl. The mixing of this fluid with metamorphic water resulted in Carlin-style gold-realgar-stibnite (+Tl minerals) mineralisation mainly in carbonate breccia. The main gold endowment associates with gold‑arsenic ores located in brecciated silicified limestone (jasperoid) and argillised tuff-siltstone. Early ore assemblages were formed at 510–240 oC (including magnetite skarn), whereas overprinting Carlin-style gold-(Fe, As, Sb, Hg, Tl) sulphide mineralisation was deposited at decreasing temperatures mainly from 260 to 110 oC. Fluid inclusion data revealed aqueous‑carbonic, Ca-, Na-, Mg- and K-chloride compositions of orebearing fluid of 4.8–9.3 wt% eq. NaCl. Changing fluid pressure corresponded to near lithostatic (0.5–0.6 kb) to hydrostatic (0.15–0.2 kb) conditions. Based on the δ34S ranges of sulphides determined for siliciclastic rocks (−2.3 … +1.8‰) and skarns (−2 … +1.6‰) it is assumed that most of the sulphur derived from magmatic reservoir associated with the mantle. The lead isotopic compositions of sulphides show a relatively narrow range and continue the linear trend of the Early Silurian VMS deposits corresponding to the mixing line of mantle and crustal lead sources. Model PbePb ages for the Vorontsovka sulphides are grouped into two clusters: 425–416 and 398–388 Ma. The second period is close to the UePb isotope age of the final stage of the Auerbakh pluton as well as in a good agreement with the AreAr isotope age of 391.1 ± 4.9 Ma of hydromica from the late goldarsenopyrite assemblage. The specific features of the Vorontsovka deposit indicative of the Carlin-style mineralisation are as follows: the paleo-continental margin and trust-related position; causing high-K/shoshonitic igneous activity; the fine-disseminated sulphide mineralisation in the highly brecciated carbonate-clastic sequence; jasperoid and argillic alteration accompanying gold orebodies with assay boundaries; multiple fluid source; Au-As-Hg-Tl geochemical association; the abundance of As- and As-Fe-sulphides and AseSb sulphosalts; the occurrence of Hg-, Tl-sulphides and sulphosalts; the association of gold with arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite overgrowing previously forming pyrite; and the predominance of submicroscopic gold in the ores. A LA-ICP-MS analysis of pyrite confirms that elevated concentrations of Au regularly correlate with higher contents of As, Ag, Sb or Tl. [ DOI ]

Дубинина Е. О., Борисов А. А. Влияние структуры и состава силикатных расплавов на изотопное фракционирование кислорода // Петрология. — 2018. — Т. 26, № 4. — С. 426–441. Экспериментально изучено влияние состава расплава и его структуры на изотопное фракциониро- вание кислорода для многокомпонентной системы (SiO2 ± TiO2 + Al2O3 ± Fe2O3 + MgO ± CaO) при 1500oС и давлении 1 атм. Показано, что даже при столь высокой температуре в силикатных распла- вах могут наблюдаться существенные изотопные сдвиги кислорода и что структура является основ- ным фактором, контролирующим способность силикатного расплава концентрировать изотоп 18О. Так, возрастание отношения NBO/T в экспериментальных стеклах от 0.11 до 1.34 сопровождается закономерным изменением изотопного кислородного сдвига между расплавом и внутренним стан- дартом на величины от –0.85 до +1.29‰. Полученные данные описаны в рамках модели, основан- ной на материальном балансе и допущении о нахождении кислорода в расплаве в виде ионов трех типов – О0, О– и О2–, соответствующих мостиковому, немостиковому и свободному кислороду. Применение модели приводит к выводу о наличии интраструктурного изотопного фракционирова- ния между мостиковым и немостиковым типами кислорода. Расчеты показывают, что в условиях проведенных нами экспериментов интраструктурное фракционирование изотопов между мостико- вым и немостиковым кислородом составляет 4.2 ± 1.0‰. Предложен принципиальный вид функ- циональной зависимости изотопного кислородного сдвига между силикатным расплавом и рефе- рентной фазой в зависимости от температуры и доли немостикового кислорода. [ DOI ]

Geochemistry and oxygen isotopic composition of olivine in kimberlites from the arkhangelsk province: Contribution of mantle metasomatism / A. A. Nosova, E. O. Dubinina, L. V. Sazonova et al. // Petrology. — 2017. — Vol. 25, no. 2. — P. 150–180. [ DOI ]

Isotope parameters (δd, δ18o) and sources of freshwater input to kara sea / E. O. Dubinina, S. A. Kossova, A. Y. Miroshnikov, R. V. Fyaizullina // Oceanology. — 2017. — Vol. 57, no. 1. — P. 31–40. The isotope characteristics (δD, δ18О) of Kara Sea water were studied for quantitative estimation of freshwater runoff at stations located along transect from Yamal Peninsula to Blagopoluchiya Bay (Novaya Zemlya). Freshwater samples were studied for glaciers (Rose, Serp i Molot) and for Yenisei and Ob estuaries. As a whole, δD and δ18O are higher in glaciers than in river waters. isotope composition of estuarial water from Ob River is δD = –131.4 and δ18O = –17.6‰. Estuarial waters of Yenisei River are characterized by compositions close to those of Ob River (–134.4 and –17.7‰), as well as by isotopically “heavier” compositions (–120.7 and –15.8‰). Waters from studied section of Kara Sea can be product of mixing of freshwater (δD = –119.4, δ18O = –15.5) and seawater (S = 34.9, δD = +1.56, δ18O = +0.25) with a composition close to that of Barents Sea water. isotope parameters of water vary significantly with salinity in surface layer, and Kara Sea waters are desalinated along entire studied transect due to river runoff. concentration of freshwater is 5–10% in main part of water column, and <5% at a depth of >100 m. maximum contribution of freshwater (>65%) was recorded in surface layer of central part of sea. [ DOI ]
