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Удостоверение о повышении квалификации №771801775330 с 3.05.2018 по 24.05.2018 Информационные технологии в дистанционном, сетевом и смешанном обучении, 16 часов, ФГБОУ ВО «Российский химико-технологический университет имени Д.И. Менделеева»

Удостоверение о повышении квалификации №772401673338, дата выдачи- 26.05.2016, Технология проведения вебинаров, 36 часов, ФГБОУ ВО «Российский химико-технологический университет имени Д.И. Менделеева»

Общий стаж работы 17 лет (с 01.02.2007)
Стаж работы по специальности 17 лет (с 01.02.2007)
Публикации внесенные в ИАС "Истина" ссылка

Заместитель декана факультета биотехнологи и промышленной экологии по воспитательной работе, куратор учебных групп первого курса


Sunflower protein enzymatic hydrolysis and plant peptone production as a source of nitrogen for nutrient media / D. V. Baurin, J. M. Epishkina, A. V. Baurina et al. // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. — Vol. 19 of Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2019. — P. 939–946. Industrially defatted non-dehulled sunflower meal (SFM) with a protein content 22%, fibre 38% and cellulose 23% was separated into several fractions: protein fraction and lignocellulosic fraction, then they can be used for bioconversion into value added products. The protein concentrate (PC) contained 83% of protein. Hydrolysis of this concentrate by the commercial proteases, such as Proteinase T, Protex 7L, Protex 40E (Danisco Genecor, Denmark) and Pancreatin (Biosynthesis, the Russian Federation) can transform this concentrate into protein hydrolysate with higher content of amine nitrogen. Amino nitrogen content for different enzymatic preparations varied from 1.5 to 2.8 mg per ml and was significantly higher when combination of preparations was used. Composition and high solubility of sunflower hydrolysates at wide range of pH values proved that the product had potential for sunflower peptone production and its use as a nitrogen source for nutrient media. Crude protein was determined by the Kjeldahl method. Amine nitrogen was measured by Sorensen method (formaline titration method). Several bacterial strains were chosen as test objects and they proved to accumulate a significant amount of biomass with high cell count per ml. [ DOI ]

Wastewater treatment of single сell protein production with b.subtilis / A. V. Baurina, D. V. Baurin, J. M. Epishkina и др. // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. — Т. 19 из Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2019. — С. 1037–1044. This paper compares four growth models (Logistic Model, Gompertz Model, Richards Model and Stannard Model) using the experimental data of wastewater treatment from a single sell protein production with Bacillus subtilis in order to describe bacterial biomass growth. One model was used to describe carbohydrate consumption during the bacterial fermentation. This study was carried at the Department of Biotechnology (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia) as part of deproteinized sunflower meal bioconversion into a highly added value product research. The temporal profiles of carbohydrates unmetabolized during single cell protein production with the yeasts, and CFU/mL were modelled with a set of ordinary differential equations solved using MATLAB software. The models were validated by the experimental data based on goodness of fit criteria; R2, MSE, and SD values. The coherence between the models and experimental results demonstrated that the models were reasonable for the prediction of the fermentation process dynamic behavior. The models gave more information about the operation conditions of the fermentation and they could be applied for further development and scaling of wastewater treatment during the single cell protein production. [ DOI ]

Fungi cellulases for crude fibre reduction in plant raw materials / J. M. Epishkina, V. I. Panfilov, D. V. Baurin et al. // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management. — Vol. 18 of Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2018. — P. 207–213. [ DOI ]

Halobacterium salinarum storage and rehydration after spray drying and optimization of the processes for preservation of carotenoids / S. V. Kalenov, M. G. Gordienko, E. D. Murzina et al. // Extremophiles. — 2018. — Vol. 22, no. 3. — P. 511–523. Spray drying is appropriate for the preservation of halophilic microorganisms due to the nature of these microorganisms, as they survive in adverse environmental conditions by being encapsulated in salt crystals. Artificial neural networks were in this study used to optimize practically significant spray-drying regimes of the C50-carotenoids producer Halobacterium salinarum. Immediately after drying, the samples contained up to 54% halobacterial biomass and less than 5% moisture, and the level of preservation of carotenoids was 95–97%. The storage of biomass at 4 oC resulted in the gradual degradation of the carotenoids, which reached 58–64% in the best samples after 1 year. A comprehensive study of changes in halobacteria biomass after spray drying and the nature of the damage provided new data on the survival and preservation of cells and biologically active substances in the various spray-drying regimes and at different storage times. [ DOI ]

Mathematical modeling of s. cerevisiae growth on deproteinized plant raw material hydrolysates / A. V. Tur, V. I. Panfilov, D. V. Baurin et al. // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management. — Vol. 18 of Advances in biotechnology. — Albena, Bulgaria, 2018. — P. 353–360. [ DOI ]
